Ábrahámhegyi Strand

 ¿Qué ver en Ábrahámhegyi strand, Tapolca?

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The Ábrahámhegyi strand is a beach located in Tapolca, Hungary. The official website for the beach is not available, but the entrance fee is approximately 1000 HUF (3.5 USD) for adults and 500 HUF (1.7 USD) for children. The beach is open from 9am to 7pm during the summer months.

Some nearby attractions to visit are the Tapolca Lake Cave, which is a 10-minute drive away and open from 9am to 7pm daily, and the Káli Basin, which is a 30-minute drive away and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The Káli Basin is open year-round and is free to visit.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Ábrahámhegyi strand)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Ábrahámhegyi strand)